Book of the Dead


Fred Jenkins, associate dean of University Libraries, explains the ancient Egyptian cultural practice of making guidebooks for the deceased. Interview is an online supplement to the University of Dayton exhibit Imprints and Impressions: Milestones in Human Progress—Highlights from the Rose Rare Book Collection, held Sept. 29 through Nov. 9, 2014.

Book of the Dead
Image of the Book of the Dead: The Book of Going Forth By Day of the priestess Ta-er-pet (the Papyrus MacGregor) (late 1st century BC; 23 feet, 6 inches long, divided into nine sections; includes a unique chart of images depicting 75 protective amulets)
Late 1st century BC
Photo by Sean Wilkinson, Distinguished Service Professor at the University of Dayton. The photographs in this collection are licensed for research, educational and private use. Proper attribution must be used when downloading or reproducing these images. If you wish to use the materials for other purposes, please contact University of Dayton Libraries to obtain permission: 937-229-4221.
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